May 11, 2017
Jawaad Sheikh
"There's a Hack For That!"

Jawaad Sheikh P.Eng. DTM

CEO & Founder of  Neurotelli Technologies Inc.

The topic Jawaad speaks on is entitled "There's a Hack For That!"  How To Keep Your Data Safe From Hackers.

Day after day, Jawaad heard about organizations getting hacked and their data being sold on the internet.  Whether it be accountants, lawyers or those in the medical profession.  Therefore he's made it his mission to help those who can’t help themselves to keep themselves, their firms and their clients safe by sharing my “cyber-street smarts” with everyone.

Some of the points Jawaad will cover are:

-              Ransomware

-              The latest in Phishing attacks

-              Social Engineering

-              A data security plan.