Another Successful Rotary TV Auction
Thank you to all our donors and sponsors for your contributions towards another successful Rotary TV Auction!
Rotarians from five Toronto Rotary clubs came together to put on the 32nd Annual Live Metro Toronto TV Auction televised by Rogers TV. The Rotary clubs involved were East York, North Scarborough, Scarborough Twilight, Toronto Humber and Parkdale-High Park. Led by Rotarians Darryl Patterson, Gord Dobbin and Kevin Manuel, hundreds of volunteers were involved over the course of the weekend to make the auction happen.
Members from the Rotary Club of Parkdale - High Park handling the phones and/or appearing on camera and/or working the item bins were Robin Sorys, Danielle Gilas, Scott Bartle, Marty Kristof, Carole Rowsell, Carmel Kidd, Suzanne Manvell, Don Sirko and Hugh Dimock. John Fernandes worked away in the background entering items into the computer before the weekend and Rick Crawford's company Rid-of-It was an auction sponsor. All club members assisted in soliciting items for the auction.
Making their debut appearance at this year's auction were the Zeddys donated by Zellers. Marty's idea of handing out Zeddys to generous bidders helped encourage bidders to meet or exceed the posted value of the items up for bid. At one point the supply ran low and had to be replenished. The Zeddys were a definite hit!
Special thanks to Danielle Gilas for leading the Parkdale-High Park club's efforts at this year's auction.
We're now thinking about next year's auction.