Message from our April 18, 2013 Meeting
on Apr 18, 2013
- Michelle Guy from the Toronto Club visited us this morning doing a make-up.
- Hugh did a make-up in attending ShelterBox training in Texas last week. More on that next week.
- Lots of chat about this and that this morning - including the purpose of the controlled burn for High Park's Black Oak Savannah and the Trump Aids effort in Malawi.
- Don gave an overview of the recent District 7070 meeting including the following: District raised over $800K for RI Foundation this year; we netted 10 new members in the past campaign; there is a new members package available to us through District; there is a water conference in Lisbon the day before the upcoming Lisbon RI conference; District 7070 will be well represented at Lisbon - one of the top Districts in terms of participation; District 7070 is #1 in the world for polio giving and there were only 17 cases of polio reported last year; see Don for information on the Trump Aids poker walk April 27; and, we have the most recent guide for Rotary Youth Exchange. And, from the recent Toronto Presidents meeting, Don mentioned that: the Etobicoke Club will be looking for volunteers (10 per school) for the breakfast for schools initiative; and, Don's Toronto initiative was discussed with a comment offered that it might be a challenge to maintain long term motivation given the 26 year span.
- Don also mentioned that District Governor-Elect Valarie Wafer will visit our club on September 5 in her role as our new District Governor.
- Scott passed around the new thank you card being developed for our supporters. We will be able to tailor the inside message by way of an insert appropriate to whatever occasion.
- Hugh attended the 2013 Rotary TV Auction kick-off meeting Tuesday night this week. The auction committee is looking for leaders for the various teams. The teams are: 1) Operations; 2) Sponsors & Partners; 3) Public Relations & Marketing; 4) Warehouse & Item Management; 5) Customer Support/Relations Management; and 6) Finance/Treasurer. If you are interested in leading and/or being on any of these teams, speak to Danielle or Hugh. It was suggested that we start now on soliciting items from any new sources we might be thinking of.
- Assuming that he gets some anticipated photos from the course, Hugh will likely present to the club next week, April 25, on his ShelterBox response team assessment training experience last week.
- Don won the 50/50 draw but not the pot.