Message from our April 25, 2013 Meeting
on Apr 25, 2013
Some notes from our April 25th meeting:
- It was agreed to give $150 to Bill Patchett to the End Polio Campaign to wrap up any commitment.
- There was $40 collected at the last board meeting for Land Mines.
- The Grenadier Restaurant is making a pamphlet to include community groups and we will be highlighted along with others. This pamphlet will be at the front of the restaurant, so we will gain so good exposure that way. Thanks Sam!
- Hugh attempted to give a presentation on his recent ShelterBox Response Team (SRT) assessment training experience in Texas. As the TV monitor did not cooperate with Hugh's PowerPoint presentation, he will try again at a future date when he'll also have some pictures to share. In brief though, the purpose of the assessment training was to select candidates to proceed to further training in Cornwall, England. It was a 4 day assessment program with 11 candidates (including 5 Rotarians) and 8 SRT assessors. All in all, an interesting experience with 4 candidates selected to proceed to Cornwall - no Rotarians (sniff!).
- Gord Perks will be our speaker next week when we will be presenting a cheque to 11 Division for their Community Safety Scholarship program.
Happy Bucks:
- Robin (sisters birthday); Danielle (upcoming European vacation) and Suzanne M. (YouTube video that won a new client).
- Don drew the card, and yes, the pot lives.