Notes from our February 6 meeting:


  • Fernando Neubern - from Rotary Garcia Real.
  • Paul Collier - From Toronto West Rotary spoke about the success of their Club’s recent recipient of "Youth Impact Award”. The Club recognized Dave Dryden for his work with "Sleeping Children around the World".


  • Next Board meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, February 17, but as this is family day, it might be re-scheduled.  It will be a Suzanne's house.
  • There will be no breakfast meeting next Thursday, instead, meet in the evening at the Griffin Pub and Restaurant, upstairs! For pub address and map click here.
  • Scott mentioned that we have credits for Paul Harris Fellowship awards and we might want to consider recognizing members of the Community and Rotary as recipients. Scott will prepare something for the next Board meeting.

Love Raffle Ticket Sales

  • We have raised $1950!!!!!.
  • The draw is next Thursday, invite your friends to share in festivities. There will be some free appetizers.

Gustavo Macias - Guest Speaker

  • Gustav Macias, from Skyline Farms ( explained to the group about vertical farming.
  • Copied from their website is a brief overview. On their website, you will find a more detailed description of the work they are doing.














less space, less water, fewer nutrients, no pesticides & better access







Reduced carbon footprint







Skyline Farms’ model delivering farm to table within walking or cycling distance amounts to a major reduction in fuel consumption and carbon emissions.







Skyline Farms uses 0 oil-intensive fertilizers or pesticides, fewer nutrients and 10% of the land required in traditional farming.







Reduced carbon footprint







Skyline Farms uses aeroponic technology that consumes water in a closed loop. Crops take only what they need and recycle the rest back into the reservoirs.







Skyline Farms uses only about 10% of the water consumed in traditional farming methods. 







Urban renewal







Skyline Farms revitalizes and rehabilitates unused and under-utilized urban spaces on land and rooftops.














Skyline Farms can produce 7.7 harvests–more than double those produced by soil-based methods in the same growing period. Its vertical tower gardens maximize land use and, with greenhouses in the works, Skyline Farms will soon be harvesting all year long







 50/50 Draw

  • John won the weekly draw and our guest speaker drew in his absence but the pot lives for another week!