Here's what happened this morning:
  • Robin welcomed visiting Rotarians Gord Dobbin, Vashti Jaikaran, and Patrick Labouef.
  • Gord Dobbin gave us an update on the TV Auction - encouraging us all to start collecting donations soon - that those who start early, find it much easier and results in greater proceeds for their club.   Targeting the $100 mark per donation proved successful last year.  He also reminded us of sponsorships and the fact that 100% of the amount raised goes back to the club.  People count on the TV Auction for their Christmas shopping. Hockey tickets always popular. Gord praised Danielle for her great efforts on camera last year - evolving quickly from being a deer caught in the headlights to being quite at ease.  Gord looks forward to our involvement on the TV Auction committees this year.  The auction is Nov 23/24.
  • Vashti Jaikaran is the President of the new Rotary Club of Toronto Skyline.  She invited us all to their Charter Night on June 19th at the Hard Rock Cafe  See the separate email sent out yesterday with their flyer for the details - RSVP June 14th.  Cost $75.
  • Patrick LaBoeuf was in Toronto on business.  He is from the Rotary Club of Old Montreal.  Patrick's club was involved in organising the 2010 conventions in Montreal.  Their 22 year old club has 23 members who get involved in new projects every year - including ones in Africa.  The clubs in Montreal and the surrounding area are continually coming up with innovative ideas.  Patrick mentioned the Valleyfield Club raised $100K and transformed a bus into a mobile room to teach drop-outs how to get back into school.
  • The Abbott Street Sale is coming up this Saturday.  John H. will be setting up as early as 7:30.  Tables still needed.
  • Robin announced that it is looking promising for the High Park Zoo and that our $2K contribution was helpful.  She recently held 3 baby capybaras and a baby wallaby - which were all so cute!
  • Robin also announced that the Jamie Bell Adventure Playground unveiling is scheduled for July 7th.  Mike Holmes is tarping it in for the unveiling. We can get involved or just come out to enjoy the day.  Speak to Robin.  ShelterBox will be there!
  • Don had a Happy Buck for his 35th Wedding Anniversary.  This prompted Robin to contribute a Happy Buck for her 31st and Hugh to cough up a looney for his 20th Anniversary.