Notes and announcements from today's meeting:
TV Auction:
  • Danielle presented the cheque for $4,868.66
  • Auction Committee - how great it was to have the Zeddy's
  • Now is the time to start looking for sponsors and items
  • Jackie will create a thank-you letter that we can send to the supports and will include the 2 events for this year and looking for support for 1.
  • Event (March 2) - Jackie;  lots of people, 4 bands; Jackie has quick facts about PACT that we could have on hand at events. Jackie will send them out.
  • Next event in May: Manicure/Pedicure and another event in the fall.

Toronto Rotary Luncheon (March 1) 100th Anniversary:

  • Carole, Suzanne, Robin and Danielle attended.  Great event.
  • Toronto Club donated $100,000 towards polio and it was matched by Government of Canada and Bill Gates Foundation for $300,000 in total.

Toronto Initiative:

  • This coming Mon, March 11 (6:30 at Milestones on Yonge St), Don has a meeting set up for the "Toronto Initiative" project.  Anyone interested in attending, let Don know.

Blood Donor Clinic:

  • This Saturday, March 9.


  • Robin had cards and rules ready had we had time to practice.  No time left!!!

Next week:

  • Arthur will be our speaker.