Message from our August 2, 2012 meeting
on Aug 02, 2012
Notes from today:
- A good summer turnout of club members...there was no guest speaker today...and there were no guests.
- John H. briefed us on his recent trip to Mexico where he did a make-up in Puerto Vallarta. John's experiences (good and not so good - beware the water supply and time share meetings) sparked others to volunteer some of their surprise experiences in travelling including having to provide US$10 to get off a plane, the need to surrender visitor passes on exiting certain countries and the tendency for some foreign police to fleece foreigners etc.
- Danielle reminded everyone that there is an TV Auction 'Operations Team' meeting on August 15. Looks like Rick and Hugh will join Danielle for the meeting on the 15th - anyone else? Danielle will bring in a TV Auction expert one morning to give us tips on effective item and sponsorship raising techniques. There are many new businesses throughout our area that we should consider approaching in addition to our regular supporters. The list of our regular supporters will be issued soon.
- Don reminded us that our club's web site will soon be integrated to District's ClubRunner site...once Hugh gets on to it.
- Hugh mentioned that the old club web site addresses will soon forward to the new site and we will not be able to access the old site content.
- Don gave another heads up that the District 7070 Foundation Walk is on September 23, 2012. More details (including pledge forms) to come from Hugh and Carole.
- Carmel will be sending out an email to get us thinking about possible speakers.
- Lastly, Don reminded us to bring a friend to a club meeting.
- Rick won the draw (as usual) but not the pot (as usual).
- That's it!