Message from our December 6, 2012 Meeting
on Dec 06, 2012
Quick notes from today's meeting:
- Suzanne R. brought a guest, Arthur. Arthur was at our Halloween party a few years ago and is interested in Rotary.
- Marty gave an update on the Zeddy numbers. Over $1,000 in Zeddy money was handed over to Scott this morning. And approximately 250 Zeddys are still looking for a home.
- We discussed the upcoming Pia Bouman Nutcracker show and our traditional support to this community event.
- Danielle was successful in raising $250 on Kijiji for the Casino Rama tickets.
- Scott will look at updating the club pamphlet with the new web site address etc.
- Hugh suggested that we might consider sponsoring a new seat or two in support of Humberside's renovation efforts in Lismer Hall. The chairs would be marked with our club's name.
- Don reiterated the need to settle next year's board by year end. Zeddy for president?
- Carole demonstrated the benefits of arriving earlier than normal by drawing the joker in the 50/50!
- A reminder to all that next week, December 13, we could use a good turnout of members for the Zeddy-related presentations to our guests.