Message from our July 25, 2013 Meeting
High Park Rotary Club—Minutes for the Meeting of July 25th, 2013
Present: Susanne Manvelle, Scott Bartle, Danielle Gilas, John Humphreys, Paul Pereira, Carole Rowsell, Don Sirko, Robin Sorys.
Guests: Alex Franklin, Magdeleni Agrafioti, Mary Lou Harrison.
Call to order: 7:45am.
Board Meeting: There will be a board meeting on Monday.
Golf Tournament: Scott has announced that the golf tournament is now sold out. We have 144 golfers, but are still in need of prizes. Please obtain a business card for each sponsor.
Oh, The Places You'll Go ... Adventures in Rotary (with apologies to Dr. Seuss!): Mary Lou Harrison spoke about her experiences with Rotary.
Mary became started as a member of Whitby Sunrise. Her international trips have brought her to the Dominican Republic, South Africa, and Uganda amongst other places. At home, she has demonstrated ShelterBox on her front lawn while fundraising for Girl Guides. Mary has met many interesting people through Rotary, particularly through Rotary's conventions, fundraising, leadership opportunities, and relief efforts.
World Polio Day: World Polio Day is to be held on October 24.
Foundation Walk: The District 7070 Rotary Foundation Walk will be held in Newmarket on October 6th, 2013.
Club Focus: Ms. Harrison's club has singled out a single local charity and international charity for support: a footcare clinic at St. James Cathedral and a clinic in Ghana. Her club is small, with 18 members, so they found they did not have sufficient funds to split amongst multiple charitable causes.
High Park Brochure: The summer brochure has been published by Grenadier Restaurant and mentions the Rotary Club.
Blood Clinic: The next Swansea blood clinic will be held on September 14th.
Rotaract: there is a race in Alexandria, Egypt for Rotaract members.
District Governor: will be visiting September 5th.
Happy bucks: Scott is glad the golf tournament is now sold out. Don found a home for a Service Berry tree. Suzanne is happy Mary Lou was able to give her presentation.
The pot: The pot lives, says Robin who drew again after her recent win. Volunteer scrutineers were requested for next week.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30am.
Paul J.S. Pereira