Message from our June 13, 2013 Meeting
on Jun 13, 2013
Some notes from today's breakfast meeting:
- Alex from the Toronto Earlscourt Rotary Club
- Lynne Martin from the Toronto District School Board and Naly from St. Christopher House
- Paul Pereira - soon to be a Rotarian
- Today's speaker and a founding member of our club - David Lockett
- Expect a call from Scott regarding our golf tournament preparations in the next week or so.
- Robin handed out copies of the new Grenadier Restaurant brochure which includes our club logo/meeting invite. It looks great and the High Park map on the back has made it very usable by weekend visitors to the park. Many thanks to the Grenadier for this initiative.
- John presented the latest version of the "Wanted Poster". With one last modification, it is ready to go to print. It was also suggested that we add the $2.99 Breakfast to our web page (sec. note DONE).
- John also announced that the Abbott Street Sale is on for June 22. Speak to John for more details. Don is contributing a wine fridge!
- President Don presented a cheque from the club to Lynne and Naly to support the work at St. Christopher's House. The St. Christopher House program to be supported is the 3 week summer one for parents and children that helps children from immigrant families prepare to attend kindergarten in Toronto.
- President Don also presented a cheque to David Lockett in support of PACT.
- David Lockett gave the club an update on the PACT (Participation, Acknowledgement, Commitment & Transformation) program.
- PACT was founded in 1995 by our own Rotary club charter members David Lockett and Dan Cornacchia with the goal to build peace in our community "in partnership with the courts, schools, and other youth focused community agencies". PACT has had tremendous support from Rotary over the years and is currently helping 700-800 kids each year. PACT continues to work with at risk youth using a one-on-one coaching approach to help youth turn their lives around before their ways become set on a life of crime and so that they may their lives to their full potential. More information on PACT can be found at
- Don thanked David and presented a mosquito net on PACT's behalf to Tanzania.
Happy Bucks & 50/50:
- Happy bucks came from Scott (Don vs. Gord Perks on light synchronisation as lights being sync'd), David (glad to be back visiting this morning with Don and Scott), Hugh (Karen's 200 km plus Ride to Conquer Cancer), and Don (synchronised lights too?)
- Our visitor, Alex, won the draw but not the pot.
Next Week:
- As there is no scheduled speaker, Hugh may finish up last week's ShelterBox presentation.