Message from our September 12, 2013 Meeting
on Sep 12, 2013
Quick notes from today's meeting:
- Present today: Suzanne M. Don, Robin, Scott, Carole, Hugh and visiting Rotarian, Gord Dobbin.
- Gord Dobbin came in today to light a fire under us for this year's TV Auction:
- We need more active commitment from all Toronto-High Park members - especially on the operations committee.
- It's time to get items together for this year's auction and need to have the items in by the end of October.
- Gord was glad to hear that we have a letter going out for old supporters and that we are trying to find new item donors.
- Rather than our breakfast meeting on November 7, we will meet at Lulu Lounge in the evening in support of the High Park Nature Centre's fundraiser. They will have 5 bands and a comedian and "nature calls". Should be fun.
- Blood Donor Clinic is on this Saturday. If you can make it, please call Suzanne M. We are a little short this weekend.
- Happy bucks:
- Suzanne M. for pleasant travelling vacation with father
- Scott for recent vacation with family and his sister who is recovering well to her stem cell cancer treatment
- Hugh won the draw but not the pot.