Quick Updates
on Jun 12, 2014
Some quick updates:
- We're getting caught up in our meeting summaries for the past few weeks and these should be posted in the near future.
- In the meantime, check out the details for our upcoming Paul Harris Fellows Awards night on June 19 in our web site calendar here. There will be no breakfast meeting that day. If you can help out, let Scott know and definitely (you know who you are) let Scott know whether you're going to be there and how many you will be bringing.
- We're looking forward to our President's Dinner on July 17. BBQ at Don's. There will be no breakfast meeting that day.
- At our breakfast meeting today we learned that our speaker, Allan Crawford, will be retiring Monday. Allan is keen that the torch be passed for the outdoor programs such as TROOP for youth and encouraged us in ways and means to do this - working together with the police services.
- Also, please check the line-up of breakfast speakers that we have. These can be viewed on the club's home page on the right hand side.
- If you can help out at the Food Bank this weekend, Saturday June 14, please contact John H.
- And don't forget to do what you need to do for the Golf Tourney in August! See below.
- John H. won the 50/50 draw but not the pot today.