Message from our July 12, 2012 meeting
on Jul 13, 2012
A few quick notes from today:
- We had a Rotarian visitor from Bremen, Germany today. Reiner was in town for the Microsoft conference.
- Our special guests today were District Governor Ted Kosiel, his wife Maureen, and Assistant District Governor Michael Bell.
- ADG Michael introduced Ted. Ted hails originally from Glace Bay, Nova Scotia and spoke about his experience in Rotary to date and the huge impact that Service above Self has made on his life. We will try and get a copy of Ted's presentation as it outlines his vision and goals for District 7070 for the 2012-2013 year as well as the tie-in to Rotary International's vision and goals. District is now on ClubRunner and there's lots to explore on the District site as far as what Rotary is and what Rotary is up to. Worth regular visits!
- Happy bucks came from multiple sources - too numerous to record - including for the recent Jamie Bell Playground "almost" opening Saturday and for Toronto Ribfest - from Robin for the ShelterBox experience and from Mike Bell for glad that Ribfest is over for another year!
- Robin announced that the Jamie Bell playground will be unveiled Friday and put out a call for Thursday evening mulch volunteers.
- Don managed to win the 50/50 draw again this week but not the pot!
- After the breakfast meeting, DG Ted and ADG Michael met with President Don and a few others present to chat about our goals for the club for the upcoming year and to ask what support we would like from District to help us in achieving our objectives this year. As with all clubs, growing membership is a challenge. One of the ideas suggested was for each club member to bring out a one guest every 6 months. This would give us 30 or so possible future Rotarians. With the younger clubs, there is a definite trend to wanting to get out more and do more hands on projects.