
Our Past President, Scott Bartle, organised tonight's year end party at the Sunnyside Pavillion on the shores of Lake Ontario.  
The weather was fine as we sat on the patio for dinner and drinks to celebrate President Robin Sorys' year as President. Thanks Scott!

As a result of the dinner, we raised $ 220 in Robin’s honour for the Canadian Landmines project.

Marty presented our cheque for $ 4,000 from our anniversary dinner for the Redwood Shelter to Denise Brunsdon.  In thanking our club for the donation, Denise emphasised the unfortunate but critical need for a place like the Redwood. 

Scott summed up this past year's incoming and outgoing successes as follows:

Money Raised:


  • TV Auction                    $ 5,475
  • 25th Dinner                   $ 4,000
  • Golf                              $ 5,600
  • Foundation Walk               $ 500
  • Total:   $ 15,575


  • Pia Bouman                              $  750
  • Redwood                                $ 4,750
  • Rotary Foundation                   $ 1,100
  • Rotary Foundation                   $ 1,250
  • Sunshine Garden                     $ 2,500
  • Students Crossing Borders        $ 3,000
  • Hearing Foundation                     $ 350 
  • PACT                                      $ 1,250
  • Total:    $ 14,950

Some members also contributed to Suzanne Manvell’s Shakespeare Group through the dinner she held.


And just this week, Robin completed the Rotary Peace Fellowship application for Julian Gutierrez Castano. Hopefully this application will be successful and Julian will be on his way to Chapel Hill North Carolina to continue on his path to making the world a better place.


All in all, it was a great year for our Club!

And lastly, we welcomed back incoming President Don Sirko in re-assuming the reins of our club for a second time for 2012-2013!! Thank you Don!